(gosh i miss ecuador! this is from otavalo's market...)
i absolutely love fresh fruit, local clothing/artisan crafts, and fresh veggies....
and NOWWWWW slc's farmer's market is now going to be on tuesdays too!!
also, i got to see a free screening of 500 days of summer in sandy, which was FABULOUS.
i'm in love...and will talk about it, and my thoughts on love at a later time.
one more thing. how cool are these buildings??
Buildings = cool, indeed. But my main question (which I guess you'll answer when you talk about it in detail, but I can't help being nosy now) is: how did you get a free screening of 500 Days of Summer? Color me jealous
Are you in love with a man named Otavalo? Because I think I would be in love with a woman if she were named Otavala. I had no idea SLC had a farmer's market. Provo has always been known as a meat market, but I didn't realize there were was another type of market in Utahr.
if otavalo were a man, yes i would be in love, and if he were a man, we would have probably met at the meat, i mean flea market in slc. no doubt.
the 500 days of summer free screening was due to SERIOUS research on my part :) filmmetro.com, m'dear....
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