dear brooksthoughtsonlife blog readers,
i had an awesome experience with a good friend's family this last thanksgiving. everyone (and believe me there were quite a few there) had an opportunity to say what they're thankful for. i will never forget one little family's experience that was shared. the mother of the home had her grandmother die the week before her son was about to be born. it was interesting as both the mother and father of the home expressed how this hit them deeply. they talked about how the passing of one's life was so important and so fulfilling, while a new life was about to be started. what a contrast, and what a beautiful thing to have been able to experience both so close to each other. this moment will always be in my heart. thank you for that.
sort of in conjunction with this, i have been thinking about so many miracles and blessings that come into our lives. my good friend julie just had her first baby on june 26th, which much be a daunting yet precious experience. this little baby is such a blessing in their little family's life, and more importantly in their extended family's life. what a blessing to be able to have children. although it is weird to me that my best friends are having children, i love it and cherish the experience.
on a similar note, one of my best friends ever will be getting married in boston this coming weekend. i can not wait for this wonderful experience, and i will probably ball my eyes out. i can't believe she and her sweetheart are getting married, and i couldn't be happier.
it is a bitter-sweet sort of feeling to have friends that are becoming mothers, wives, and just to see people in all stages of life. what a beautiful thing our lives are, and i hope i never take advantage of my life. i hope i can more fully enjoy every moment and situation that i am put in, and that i put myself in.
as all of my friends are moving on, i too am moving on by graduating in august and going to peru! i am so excited, and think life couldn't be more wonderful right now.
i love you all,
1 comment:
So, I am following your blog and learning about you... Something I have always know but I get reminded of through these blogs is that you are an amazing positive person. I could not be happier to have had you as my daughter. I am so blessed to have such a child as you.
You should have kissed him thou...
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