what does tagging in the blog world mean:
a) tag, you're it
b) tagging as in graffiti in the streets
c) or tag as in a label
i choose b.
welllll, miss taryn tagged me a while back, and no worries, i didn't forget about it, but i had done one similar to it before. i looked around for a different tag that i could do, but alas decided to do what she originally tagged me to do.
i have to come up with 6 unimportant facts about myself, link back to the person who tagged me's blog, and tag 6 new people at the end of my blog....so here goes!
1. i am quite obsessed with the weather. i check it habitually, often up to 6 or 7 times a day. i always look at 3 things: the UV rays, the hour-by-hour, and the 10 day report.
2. EVERYTHING reminds me of a song. "sing, sing a song..." (name that artist)
3. i always count in my head when i walk. i count in patterns and see how many steps it takes per square. sometimes i will count how many steps total from one place to another. sometimes i count how many sections of concrete i pass. every time it is different, but i am always counting.
4. i love free post-it notes and pens and can never have enough. i often find myself walking out of doctors offices with them, and i have many random post-it notes from events such as E.A.S.Y., BYU Spring and Summer Programs, and campaigns in my health classes.
5. i currently can not get enough of tie-dye and cotton dresses. they make summer more bearable.
6. i doodle all over the place. i am always writing lists, my signature, other people's names, random words from what i am listening to, etc. i love practicing my handwriting, and trying out new styles.
who i am tagging: amy g, m train, mallory robinson, stephanie criddle, heidi slater, and priscilla (and if you feel so inclined to do so, please go right ahead!)
I can put more flattering ones on...I just think the ones I chose were most indicative of your silliness...
I didn't know you always count on your head... The weather!!? yeah... I knew that one. Tie-dye... it is a fad. Stop it!!
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