brook recalls her late headphones coming into her life right before her first year in college. she was so excited to have this companionship as they had so much potential. later they would prove to work both as ear muffs and sound cancellation devices while walking around during frigid months in Utah. brook really cherished her relationship with these headphones as they accompanied her through great difficulties including but not exclusive to: hospitalizations, grueling study sessions at the HBLL, break-ups, bad grades, home-sickness, and rigorous work-outs. these headphones also were there during the best of times including: "excellent" marks on the testing center screen, brook being in love, walking home to eat at the cannon center and walking to various other joyous activities.
the headphones will be greatly missed, and they have truly outlasted any other pair of music listening devices at an astounding 4+ years. brook will greatly miss them.
I love the picture. I remember the headphones :( Well, just as well, school life is coming to an end for now so just make it symbolic...
I hope you get a good grade for your blog. I love to read it and know what is happening in your life...
See you in about 3 1/2 weeks!!
Brook, I have over 10 sets of headphones. My latest and greatest cost more than I will admit. Give me a rocking chair some fine accoustic tunes, my headphones and I am happy. At least until I need to crank it up and hear some non-accoustic stuff. Love your Blog.
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