dear home of the hawks,
will i EVER escape you?
my first year here in college, i was privileged to live on the same floor as some great hawks.
my second year of college, i lived with two ALTAholics, although their ALTAtude could have been a little better and more representative of the great sandy/draper residents. through these two alta gems, i got to meet almost everyone that graduated in '03 and '04 from the best high school in Utah.
the third year i attended college, there were 4 or 5 apartments of boys (out of only 8) that were occupied by the hawks. HAWKS FOREVER!
by the time the third year was over, i had heard so much about this glorious high school, that i just HAD to go visit the high school. the tour was given to me by a very special alumnus (he practically owned the school back in his hawk days-in the ASB, on the football team, and on the lacrosse team among other things).
i even got to wear an alta hawks t-shirt while going on the tour. that was one of the best days of my life to this point.
my fourth year in college, i did not really have too much interaction with altaholics besides a then-boyfriend and his whole family of hawks.
now that i'm graduated, i was sure that i would finally be done with the hawks, but alas i was very very mistaken. i am moving to draper (as a side note, i'm moving to draper to be closer to my work) and am going to live with two hawks. not only that, but practically everyone in my ward attended the high school.
who knows, maybe someday i'll work at alta. maybe (if i'm lucky) my children will attend the high school someday. who knows.....
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