1. beauty on wikipedia is really interesting. under the inner beauty section, it talks about how even though as humans we claim to use inner beauty as part of our mating choice, it often comes down to physical beauty. hm...
2. one question i had asked was for them to name someone beautiful. the three men answered with: carrie underwood, one girl of their childhood dreams that had beautiful hair and a hott body, and the hottest girl in the ward that they could never "get". the women answered with: their husband whom they initially thought was fat but then got to know his personality, me (my mom--she had to say that), and one said her roommate who has incredible integrity and serves everyone. what i learned? males=physical, females=more inward. maybe that's why you see gorgeous girls with not so attractive boyfriends/fiances/husbands?
3. two out of three boys answered "no" to the following question: do you think there is a connection between inner and outer beauty? the third didn't know--or i presume didn't want to appear shallow.
it was actually really insightful for me to do this paper, and i really think a lot more about the connection between inner and outer beauty. i personally think that if you are confident, smart, witty, kind, service-oriented, considerate of others, and just plain happy that it can make you prettier on the outside. how many grouchy people have you found attractive?
people that i think are beautiful:
catherine zeta-jones. she's physically gorgeous, supposedly really nice, classy, and giving to charities and stuff.

my mami. so giving, gorgeous, loving, serving, so witty, sacrificed so much, loves everyone i love just because i love them, loves me despite my stubborn tendencies and lame teenaged years, and i could go on and on...
Your mami is so gorgeous! gah, i love her!
I forgot i promised her some stories...tell her they're coming...;)
ps: I laughed out loud hearing your voice say "charities and stuffff" in an "oh-you-know" kind of way.
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