so i forgot to post some pictures from my trip to california last weekend...
so sometimes i really miss the ocean and this is why:
so maybe i wish i were untainted from the world like this man:
so maybe i wish i could just sit at the beach and strum on my guitar completely oblivious to what others think of me....
so maybe i'm so excited to graduate and travel the world...but maybe i'm terrified of responsibility and uncertainty
so maybe nobody would go to the brad pitt movie audition with me on sat, so i went on a gorgeous hike instead with my bootsie:
so maybe i'll miss the beauty that is utah when i leave here
so maybe i'll come back after my sabbatical...
so maybe i love spooning in the back of cars:
so sometimes i really miss people that i used to hang out with. maybe this happens quite often since i've had so many random groups of friends over the course of my lifetime.
so maybe i've recently decided to have "more purpose in prayer"... which has lead to a desire to have more purpose in conversation, and in living in general
so sometimes i wish i could have deep meaningful conversations with everyone i meet...i wish i could figure out people's motivations in life.
so maybe i often become overwhelmed by the way people treat each other, and i wish i could fix everything.
so maybe i just wanted to say that i love you!
so maybe that was super cheesy.....
so maybe i love "that's what she said" jokes....and i feel like a terrible person every time i say one
so maybe i will someday stop trying to fit way too many things in one day, and maybe i will stop over-analyzing every situation...
so possibly someday i'll be able to see my parents every time i miss them
so maybe i'm a sucker for poetry...
so maybe this post is random...
but honestly, do you expect any less from me?
Brook! I love the first picture of the beach! It makes me wish I was there right now :( What beach is that?
Brook! It me, a girl from one of the random groups of friends in your lifetime! I saw your website link on facebook and just had to check you out! Currently, I am a little obsessed with blogging since we started a blog a while ago...come check ours out too!
I'm so excited that I can spy on you from time to time to see what random thoughts are going through your head :)
priscilla--the beach is manhattan beach down in southern california. it was so grogeous!
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