hey mal. it's not your birthday, but i'm doing it anyways.
1. the office
2. marathons of ANTM...
3. the history channel....i know it's not a show, but they ALWAYS have good stuff
4. the hills
okay that's it. i don't really watch much else...
10 of my Favorite Restaurants Are:
1. benihanas!!
2. costa vida--a cheaper, just as delicious alternative to cafe rio
3. red robin.....yummmm
4. p.f. changs
5. wendys
6. the whole foods bar...sooo good
7. paradise cafe. i'm sooo into it right now
8. this hole in the wall mexican place at home that i don't think has a name.
9. del taco
10. einstein's bagels
10 Things that Happened Yesterday:
1. byu football won!!!!!!!!!
2. i took a nap
3. i ate costa vida
4. i decided on moving to draper, ut
5. i went 80's dancing
6. i went regular hip hop dancing
7. i went to a byu women's soccer game
8. i saw some friends i haven't seen in a lonnngggg time. it was so great!!
9. iPod (just wanted to make sure the "i" trend kept up)
10. i partook of an excellent slurp(ee) for the first time since the end of summer
10 Things I am Looking Forward to:
1. moving!!
2. making banana bread tonight
3. christmas--i get to be with my family, and hopefully go to chile!
4. new years.......any excuse for a party and sparkling drinks is good for me
5. my nap later today
6. my nap next sunday (seriously, naps are the only things that keep me going in the week....)
7. more halloween costumes to wear
8. the long weekend over thanksgiving
9. being done with this list...man 10 is hard to think of!
10. some day meeting monta ellis
10 Things on my Wish List:
1. for someone to buy me a brand new queen sized mattress, instead of me having to buy myself a smaller sized mattress for my new house....sleeping bags, anyone?
2. a longer vacation during christmas
3. for someone to take me to see the nutcracker this year since i didn't get to see it last year
4. a copy of the movie "while you were sleeping"
5. for everyone to love each other more
6. for all of my stuff to be magically moved to the house in draper
7. for utilities to be free
8. i wish i could apparate
9. front-row seats to the following: jazz versus warriors, spurs versus suns, and byu versus utah football
10. that people weren't awkward
10 People that I Tag:
1. taryn/brady
2. hispanic amy
3. m train
4. steph w
5. karina
6. cambria marie
7. slinky vincy
8. mallory/rich
9. katie king
10. alejandra
WOO-HOO! Love it. Love that you want While You Were Sleeping, because I do, too. You are moving to Draper?! Explanation please. Obviously to be closer to your job? Thank you for doing this survey.
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